Gili Mimpang Dive

Gilli Mimpang Shark  Gilli Mimpang Turtle  Gilli Mimpang  Gilli Mimpang
Gilli Mimpang is "The Three Small Rock Island" near Candidasa. From Padangbai beach we are boating a speed boat in around 10 minutes or boating a traditional boat (Jukung) in around 25 minutes to Gilli Mimpang. The type of the dive site is slope and walls. The coral is nice. Hard and soft coral, gorginians, huge boomes coral. The current is 50% mild and 50% strong depending of the tide. The water temprature depens of the season like the Mola-Mola season and is around 20-24 degrees celcius. In other seasons above 24 degrees celcius. 
The fish you can see here in the season are Mola-Mola (Sun Fish), in 90% of the time you can see white and black tip reef sharks, the special wobbegong, napoleon, jack fish, dolphin, turtles, and more.




Best equipment

Don’t ask about our quality, all of our diving equipment is new



Our instrucuor are real friendly and patience teaching Pro and since 1991 qualified for CMAS, PADI and SDI.


Exciting Places

Yearly many tourist are coming to Bali to get a glimpse of this mysterious underwater


100% Safety

We have all that you need and need to make your diving experience safe!